Tuesday, November 1, 2011



Hey guys!!! Oh how I've missed you *cyber hug* I mean I really feel like I just deserted y'all :....( just awful.

Now on to business...

Consider this:

Do you feel like your hair just drinks up water and conditioner?

Does your hair "feel" wet?

Do you notice little water pellets lying on top of your hair?

If you've answered yes, then you have a HIGHLY porous head of hair. High porosity is generally caused by heat and chemical damage, be it coloring or previous relaxers or whatever. The cuticles of the hair have lifted so much that water, conditioners, basically everything that isn't heavy just seeps right through. Your hair is fragile and heavy manipulation (excessive brushing/combing/detangling) can be damaging.

For this type of hair PROTEIN IS YOUR FRIEND!! I repeat PROTEIN IS YOUR FRIEND!! Incorporate routine protein treatments in your hair regimen. This is exactly what is needed to repair the "holes" in your hair, but of course don't forget to moisturize afterwards or your hair will be stiff as a board, lolol.

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