Tuesday, September 13, 2011


In our natural hair journey we ARE going to make mistakes. It's just a fact. I found this article and I think she was DEAD on. I've experienced almost all of these. It really is a learning process - things I used to do to my hair, I can't anymore.

In short, these are the most common mistakes we make:

Not detangling

Sleeping without a satin cap/scarf

Using excessive heat

Shampooing too frequently

Not knowing product ingredients

Not adding or sealing moisture

Natural hair means automatic growth

Read the full article here.

One thing I'd like to add is just because someone has the same "Type" of hair as you does not mean it's the same. I fell into the trap of "oh you're Type 4, well what do you use because I'm sure it will work on my hair." NEGATIVE. Come to find out, her hair is way more porous than mine and a lot finer.

What do you think? What are some mistakes you've made and how has your hair adjusted?


Perrinne said...

A mistake I made in the beginning is most moisturizing my hair everyday. My hair lives for moisture!!

Lady D said...

LOLOL!! Mine too