Monday, April 2, 2012


So. I've decided to knock off one of my personal goals - to run a 5k. This puts me in 4/days a week training mode *insert are you serious face* Of course with my other obligations, my hair is the last thing on my mind.

While preparing to spend Saturday with my Grandma, I decided to make a 2-for-1 deal and do my hair that night when she went to bed. As I started to pack my things, I noticed the bag was getting heavier and heavier (yet and still I kept stuffing it). I didn't even notice it until it was completely full. The result is the above picture *hides face in shame*

I had multiple conditioners, honey, olive oil, combs, brushes, bobby pins, a hand mirror, clips, on and on and on and on. I said to myself, "Now you REALLY need ALL of this?? I mean does it really take all this to do your hair?" I could not believe it. I surmised I did and proceeded on with taking all that crap with me. So extra. I didn't even use half of it! (which I KNEW was going to happen) I've got to do better because honestly it really should not take all that.

So ladies...tell me, for you - does it REALLY take all of this to do your hair?


Regina Langley said...

Well, you've got to have the clips and pins and headbands for varying your style. A good hair rake, afro comb and a thick rat-tail comb are a must. Those are the basics, I believe. But, I use a good moisturizing olive oil shampoo, an olive oil/mayonnaise deep conditioner and a moisturizing leave-in conditioner. After air-drying, I slather on my shea butter, twist my hair and put on a satin cap that does not have an elastic band. Depending on how I feel, I might use a satin scarf. In the morning, I massage extra virgin olive oil throughout my hair and style it. I don't think I use a lot of stuff. If you didn't use half the stuff you packed, you should perform a little inventory and throw out the stuff you don't like or don't use. Otherwise, your bag looks okay--if it's just your hair bag.

Lady D said...

See. Now yours doesn't really seem like a lot and I think what I had was comparable to what you maybe it's really not that much and the fact that I had to transport it made it seem more than what it really is.

The crazy thing is, had I decided to DC I would've used practically everything. I'm trying to adopt the "less is more" philosophy, but it's not panning out too well *shrug*

Regina Langley said...

Girl, don't sweat it (no pun intended). The young lady who walked me through my natural hair journey has always said that when I find what my hair likes best, go with it. Do what's right for you. And good luck on that 5K!

Lady D said...


MagnificentReign said...

That bag is funny. I have had the same thing happen to me on multiple occasions. Though I think I've gotten it pared down pretty well now. 4 clips for sectioning, wide toothed shower comb, tangle teezer, shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in mixture. Oh, and a pair of scissors. But that's if I'm just doing two-strands. If I am styling then i would probably take away the leave-in and add a styling cream of some sort and a gel. Our hair just requires a lot! :)

Lady D said...

It sure does! Oh wells. It just depends on the style I guess.