Monday, July 12, 2010

HOME REMEDIES: Honey Conditioner

Beauty experts have said that Honey is a best kept secret. It is known to be ripe with molecules that retain moisture and is prime for nourishing and moisturizing the hair and body. I myself, have yet to try this, but I plan to during my newly installed weekly conditioning regimen. Here's a recipe I found on Hair Boutique,

3 to 6 tablespoons of honey (depending on hair length and condition)
1 to 2 tablespoon of jojoba oil (I'll be using Coconut Oil)

So in the spirit of summer conditioning, try adding Honey. (Don't forget to let us know what you think)

2 comments: said...

I use olive oil products on my transitioning hair. I even add extra evoo to my olive oil hair mayonnaise. In the honey recipe, I wonder how olive oil would do instead of coconut or jojoba oil.

Lady D said...

I used EVOO too while tranisitioning :) I'm sure it would be the same, they're very similar products.