Thursday, August 5, 2010

PRODUCT REVIEW: CurlySexyHair Soy Tri-Wheat Leave In Conditioner

I bought this a while ago from Trade Secret and I love it! It made my hair super soft, is full of protein, and it smells pretty good too. I bought a small trial size and liked it so much I bought the big bottle.

Selling Features:
A nutritious and healthy meal for your hair! Give your pride and joy a treat and feed it the natural ingredients of this leave-in soy conditioner to add protein and moisture - it will leave your hair feeling full and satisfied! As well as it's detangling and softening properties, this handy product also helps to eliminate annoying static electricity, and can be easily dispensed using the convenient trigger sprayer. Make hungry hair happier, Healthier Sexier! Results like these are even more apparent when using together with other products from the Healthy Sexy range!

What others have said:
I have bought this product several times now, and use it daily after shampooing and conditioning my hair, which tends to be dry during the winter months. It helps improve the texture of my hair without leaving it oily-looking, and has a pleasant, very light scent.

I like this stuff. It smells nice. My hair doesn't feel heavy. It's very soft. I really use it to help me comb out tangles when I get out of the shower, my hair is pretty fine, no volume, so it really help it's to keep looking healthy.

This leave-in conditioner makes my hair feel like silk. Just be careful not to spray too much. I spray once or twice on each side and once in the back and have shoulder-length straight hair. I love it.

More here.

Where you can get it: Anywhere online, Trade Secret

Likes: Smell :) leaves my hair super soft, works almost instantly, easy to detangle my hair, moisturizes my hair

Dislikes: Cost :( kinda pricey, but hey it works

Overall: A

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