Tuesday, December 6, 2011


While getting my hair done this weekend - FINALLY, I was listening to a conversation that another stylist was having with her client (all up in the business lolol). Basically she was telling her that she could not do the style she wanted because her hair was weak. She then proceeded to give her alternative styles that would compliment her hair and not further damage it. The customer was adamant about getting this style and surprisingly the stylist did not back down. *Impressed* Eventually the client conceded, but it got my mind to wondering why she was so determined to have her hair in that style KNOWING the condition of her hair didn't warrant it.

The other day I was having a convo with a friend of mine who wanted color and I told her that she should consider getting her hair treated first because of the amount of color and breakage from that color she claimed she was having. Thankfully after the discussion (read LECTURE) , she gave in. *Cheers*

Now why is that we women even consider sacrificing the health of our hair for a particular style? That should NEVER be the case. Our health should always be of utmost importance.

I will admit though, I have been guilty of this at times, especially when it comes to length, but then I always come to my senses and take the "It is what it is" approach.
It's just hair. It will grow back. There's no sense in holding on to the length when it's all split ends or putting your hair in a style when your hair simply cannot support the extra strain. Sometimes ladies you have to bite the bullet and let it go.

We must always be mindful of the condition and health of our hair. These are our crowns of glory and they should be treated as such!

What advice would you give to someone considering sacrificing the health of their hair for a style?

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