Saturday, January 21, 2012


Hey guys! Since it's looking like wintertime around these parts and I'm trying to avoid making the same mistakes I did last year, I was thinking of incorporating more weave into my routine.

Now you'd swear since my mom is a BONAFIDE weave wearer I'd be one...but I'm very much the opposite. I rarely rock a wig or any weave unless they're twists or braids. It gets annoying after a while. Probably because I don't take the time to maintain it, I never know how to match it up to my real hair color, I'm always by myself, the *cough* lady swears EVERYTHING looks good when I know differently, and I always need reinforcements. The whole ordeal is just so overwhelming *SIGH* BUT my mom's in town this weekend so I'm dragging her to the store so she can help me *POW*

Well anyway I was perusing youtube lookin for weave options and came across this style. Surprisingly I really really like it. I won't rock it to work or anything, but I will definitely keep it in my back pocket for those random nights out with the girls or when I'm just in a mood to do something funky.

Check out the vid.

What do you think?

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