Monday, August 20, 2012


What you eat influences how you look in more ways than one. The nutrients you take in go toward maintaining and producing body tissue like hair. Protein is a major player because, without it, your body doesn’t have all the nutrients it needs for you be your best self.

A former coworker of mine suggested I try Greek yogurt because of the high protein it contains.  At first try, I was like YUCK!  The consistency of it was a complete turn off.  It was way too thick for my taste.  So instead of being completely turned off, I decided to leave it out of the fridge for a while before I ate it.  YUMMO!!  It definitely worked for me. It was a lot creamier and since I like the kind with the fruit on the bottom, it was a lot easier for me to mix together. 

Another great way to get our protein on!

And for those mixtresses out there, check out the Creamy Greek Goddess Conditioner here or this video:

Definitely check out these recipes too, because it's not just for breakfast!!


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