Friday, January 18, 2013


Thanks to my Curl Crew for helping me get through this whole hair disaster.  I swear if it wasn't for that latest session on regimen, improvements, warnings, and so on, I would have BC'd. 

Now, onward and upward.  I am waging a full blown attack on strengthing my hair and retaining length.  It'll be in a series of posts and will cover everything from our regimen to protein treatments.  I'm actually excited about this.  Hopefully it'll provide me some insight on WTF happened to my hair, which I am currently blaming on that Aphogee Protein Treatment I did, I am speculating either A. my hair didn't need it or B. it was too strong ~ stay tuned!! 

If you have any insight, please share!!  I welcome guest writers :)

Have a great weekend!! 


KnottyAuthor said...

It's important to weigh the products we use on a few things-our biological texture, the health of our hair and the environment we live in. In Ohio we are dealing with extreme temperatures as we go from extreme cold to extreme dry, heat conditions. Everything is working to rob our hair of moisture. Adding protein created a chemical rxn that combined forces with the extreme elements and dried your hair out. Now, in July/Aug that protein tx might work wonders. Or on vacay in Florida where it's humid. But in Ohio, this time of year, we need humectants with a sealant to nourish our curls.

Keep it Knotty
M George

Lady D said...

You are correct. Sealing is key for me during the winter. I definitely see your point about timing as this was a spur of the moment decision. I'm sure timing was part of the problem.