Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Ok, so here lately when I leave my bobby pins in too long (meaning after 5 hrs) or my Goody bands in too long or whatever, my scalp is super tender. When I was a kid I was considered "tender-headed" but I as I got older I didn't think I was still that way. WRONG!! I am. I don't know if many of you are experiencing this but certain products/tools make my scalp sore and I wind up having little random scabs in my head :( SO NOT CUTE.

Here are some tips to combat sensitive scalp:

  • Try using a medicated conditioner, one similar to something like Selsun Blue, but for sensitive scalp. I think I'm gonna try the Frederic Fekkai line or the Aubrey Organics line

  • You are what you eat! If you've been eating a lot of red meats, they can produce extra oils that can cause itchy and dry scalp. Try adding more whole fruits/veggies and fish into your diet

  • Switch up your products - Maybe the products you have been using to either wash or style your hair have been leaving residue on your scalp. It's Winter, so that mean less washing, but try incorporating some clarifying poo or the Lemon/Water mixture to your regimen

  • Tea Tree and Aloe Vera Extract oils are great for sensitive scalp. Tea Tree is antiseptic, antibiotic, and antifungal while the Aloe Vera reduces inflammation.

  • Massage your scalp in sections for about 10 mins. before you wash your hair. This is great way to open up your pores and get your blood circulating in your scalp and reduce sensitivity

I'll keep you guys posted on my results!! And don't forget to keep me posted on your results as well :)


Perrinne said...

I will try these tricks!

Lady D said...

Me too! I did the massage yesterday and I could tell my hair was more manageable and parting my hair in sections to DC was easier.