Tuesday, December 28, 2010


So talking to my mom this weekend, I was explaining to her my Sensitive Scalp issue. I was telling her how dry/itchy my scalp has been, how I hate the winter b/c it doesn't agree with my hair, and how I would be scratching my head for forever and it would still be itchy, etc... ya know having a complaint session. Then she said to me "Well, ya know your scalp is skin so maybe you're scratching too hard." *WHOA* I mean it hit me like a ton of bricks!!! I thought about that for a second and you know what...she was right!!

All those "digging" sessions of mine when I was scratching my head like nobody's business, how could I not notice that being the cause of my head being sore after?? Then furthermore, as I instinctively did it again, I noticed I wasn't using the meat of my finger, I was using my nail **A-HA MOMENT**

Each and every time I had a digging session, I would complain about how sore my head would be and then 2 days later those scabs would start appearing. Well DUUUUHHH *inmyJoeyvoice* if you sit there and scratch your scalp with your nail, it's breaking the skin...your scalp has to heal itself therefore you wind up with scabs. 1+1 = 2!!!

I was so excited about this revelation, I had to share :)

So ladies, in short, DO NOT scratch your head with your nails...massage your head with your finger!!

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