Monday, December 20, 2010


Well this little store is giving folks a run for their money in the Natural Hair Care department...who knew? You can find conditioners, gels, etc... there. Now, of course there has been talk that some of the ingredients in products sold at Tarjay are different than if you were to go directly to the site, but I'll leave that up to you to decide where you wanna spend your money. I'm just excited that Tarjay is expanding.

A variety of products in the natural hair care department is only in select areas namely the one on Warrensville Center Road and Cedar Road. I swear the Man is gonna make sure that I have to go out my way to get stuff *sigh*

They have the following products that I'm super excited I don't have to buy online:

**Shea Moisture

**Bumble and Bumble (B.B.)

**Frederick Fekkai

**Miss Jessie's **WARNING** if you open it, you CANNOT return it to the store



And while we're talking about products, don't be afraid to try out products that aren't normally geared towards African Americans... I've found SEVERAL products that work on my hair ie. CurlySexyHair, Bed Head is next. It's all a part of the process :)


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