Thursday, March 3, 2011


I was out to dinner with my newly BC'd aunt, she got a shape up at the barbershop, and was unsure about her new 'do. She asked me "Do I look masculine? Being that my hair is short and all." Of course I didn't think so, but I can imagine if you're a newly BC'd person this thought has run through your mind a time or two.

Contrary to popular belief, long hair does NOT automatically equate with being feminine. It takes a very strong person, inside and out, to rock a short 'do. I myself have contemplated it, but haven't quite built up the nerve, so I applaud all short-haired Naturalites out there.

So, how do you make yourself look more feminine? ACCESSORIES AND STYLING!!!

* Hair accessories, earrings, necklaces, THE WORKS. Even makeup (if you so choose). They all work together to complete your look. You just have to take the time to figure out what works and what doesn't. It's a process, but it's worth it.

* Some styles can make you look boyish and we can't have that (unless that's what you want). Cut out pictures-put your face on them, play in your hair, consult a professional, do whatever it takes, but you MUST find the right style for you. There's nothing worse than cutting your hair into a style you can do NOTHING about...BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!!

AND Yes, there are styles you can do on your TWA. Just the check the Vid, they are cute and girly:

1 comment:

LNW said...

"I look like a boy" was the first thought that ran through my head when I first cut my hair off. I am a tomboy at heart, so it didn't help that I'm in sweats most of the time (except for work of course), and I hardly ever wear makeup. That's when I discovered big earrings. These days, my hair is longer, so the boy look isn't as prevalent, but the big earrings did get me through my short phase.