Monday, March 28, 2011


So you don't wanna BC? That's cool (neither did I), however you still want to be able to work with your hair during this Transitioning period. You're going to learn A LOT about your hair and here are some things I've learned along the way and made the process enjoyable:

** Condition Regularly Conditioner aids in helping the hair avoid breakage. When you are transitioning from relaxed hair to your natural texture, there is a point that known as the "line of demarcation." This is where the two textures collide. It is the weakest point and most susceptible to breakage. And don't forget to use a wide-toothed comb :)

** Have Realistic Expectations Do NOT expect your natural hair to act like it does when it's relaxed. NO MA'AM!! It will NOT! You have to learn and experiment with different ways of dealing with your hair to get the best results. Otherwise, your experience will be very frustrating, especially when your curls seem to be doing everything but what you want them to do (I still struggle with this).

SIDE NOTE: Under this I have issues with length obsession! LOLOLOL. Hair only grows about 1/2" per month, so with my Type 4 hair when I wash and it shrinks I feel like my hair hasn't grown...but in all actuality it has, I just can't see it fully. So don't be dismayed, your hair is GROWING!

** Be Gentle Exercise great care with your hair, especially where the relaxed and natural hair meet. Too much heat styling and manipulation to match the textures should be avoided, instead try wet sets, braids-outs, twist-outs, twists, and other curly styles instead. There's a ton on Youtube, so as long as you've got internet you're good!

** Be Patient There WILL come a time when you feel like your hair is too much to deal with. Dealing with 2 textures is hard. You'll be like 'Ok really?? Like what did I get myself in to?' or you may say 'I should've just kept my relaxer.' I know. I've been there, but if you're SERIOUSLY COMMITTED to doing this thing, you're going to have to learn patience.

Just remember that your hair is growing and it's going to be healthier and stronger than ever. Before you know it, you'll have a head full of beautiful, natural curls that are all your own!!

Hey Naturalites, what other tips can you give to Transitioners?


Regina Langley said...

Girl, I went through all of that and more. I've been chemical-free since April of '09. I watched my hair come out from the middle of my shoulder blades to a baby afro in a matter of months. But, I learned alot about my hair and scalp. I'm a type 4 and very dry. I gave myself weekly hot oil treatments with olive oil and put olive oil in my deep conditioner that I kept in for an hour under a plastic cap. I also took Biotin, a supplement that benefits the hair, skin and nails. When I went to my natural stylist for the first time for an initial consultation, she reported that my hair and scalp were healthy and strong. She ran both hands through my hair and no hair came out in her hands. She gave my hair a very gentle tug with both of her hands and no hair came out. Now, I'm sporting the kinky twists with hair added. That's because my personal preference is length. I don't like the way I look with short hair. At any rate, I've been seeing my stylst since October '10. I get a good shampoo, a deep moisturizing conditioner and a good leave-in conditioner. I'm amazed at the growth and feel of my hair. I'll keep the style I have until September, when I'll decide what natural style to go with next. In the meantime, cleanse, condition, moisturize, be patient.

MagnificentReign said...

I would advise ladies to not expect your hair to look like anybody else's and try to keep your hair envy in check. Don't expect your hair to have a 3b curl because you might just be disappointed.

Lady D said...

@Regina WOOT WOOT TYPE 4 IN THE HOUSE!! LOLOL. I definitely went through the same issues, especially with the dryness. I'm getting kinky twists as well due to my work schedule. So I'm curious to see what my hair will look like by June/July.

@Siroda, I honestly still do struggle with that... I mean I saw this lady with GORGEOUS natural hair and I was like 'See...why can't my hair be like that?' I guess it's all a part of appreciating what you have.