Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Have you come to a point in your hair journey where you're just kinda...well OVER IT?  I think I'm there.  Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE Foxy, but here recently it's getting harder for me to figure out what to do with her.  Maybe it's boredom...or laziness. Either way, I haven't been really inspired (hence the lack of blogging).  I just stand in the mirror, look, twist, pin-up, take down, repeat. My inner PJ is fed, my regimen is solid.  So what gives?

I need something to spice it up.  Maybe I need to put my hair up. Put in some weave or braids or twists - take a break for a month or so ya know?  Any other suggestions?? Have you been here before and what did you do about it?


Bijee said...

I'm right there with ya! Me and "Dez" have been pretty blah lately too, so I'm getting twisted up tomorrow. Should last me a couple months...

Lady D said...

ME TOO!! I figure I need do something to avoid me cutting it off or getting stressed even more.