Thursday, July 19, 2012


Blame this post on my beloved BFF :)  So she calls and says "Hey, have you ever heard of using Monistat to grow your hair?"  I was COMPLETELY stunned.  I mean I had a SERIOUS pause.  I said "No" and she says that ladies actually use it to grow out certain parts of their hair.  So y'all know I had to do some digging to figure out what on earth she was talking about.

So.  The PC term is Miconazole Nitrate.  It's an antifungal agent used mostly for yeast infections, which as a lady, I'm sure you know or know about and is pretty much the part I cannot get past.  But anyway, it inhibits the growth of common fungii i.e. dandruff, and is a good oxidizing agent.  This is the supposed reason it makes your hair grow fast.  According to eHow, it is believed to work because the nitrate provides oxygen to the hair by relaxing the blood vessels in the body and scalp and allowing more oxygen into the scalp's capillaries. Nitrates widen the blood vessels, which improves blood flow. Blood circulation and blood oxygen levels directly stimulate the hair follicles, which leads to hair growth.  Interesting.

I got the concept from reading articles, but of course as a bonafide YouTuber, I had to get a visual.  I was thinking there would be a few vids, but turns out this is a hot topic and there are plenty for your viewing pleasure.  Can't really say I was surprised though.  Here's what I found:

**disclaimer - excuse the errors, she does give a good breakdown**

I'm all about using additives such as Vitamins and Jamaican Black Castor Oil to grow your hair, but this is a bit extreme for my taste.  No shade at the ones who've done it.

So tell me people, would you try this if it means that you can reach your hair goal sooner than later?  Have you tried this, did it work for you? SPILL SPILL SPILL!!!

For your continued reading pleasure - Strange Beauty.

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