Friday, September 21, 2012


Hey guys!!  She's gotta a whole lotta hair already, but there's always room to improve.  Let's welcome Perrinne!!

Length goal for the challenge:  An additional 2 inches (lower back area)

Current regimen: Separate, wash (using spray bottle), rise. Condition, comb, then twist and let set. Rinse, leave-in condition. Final step twist with Gel.

What do you plan on changing (if anything) to make it to your goal?  More regular trims.

Something you've learned or tweaked during this process:  I have to use a spray bottle for my initial wash to make sure I get all sections and parts of my hair. The separate in the shower then wash was not really getting all parts of my hair clean.

Kudos to Perrinne!  Here we GROW!!!

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