Monday, February 11, 2013


Yep.  That's pretty much the question I've been getting since I posted a pic of my new TWA on Instagram. I was trying to come up with a reason on why I cut my hair and couldn't.  I just decided after watching Scandal (which is the best hour of my TV life BTW), that I didn't feel like twisting my hair and that the next day come hell or highwater I was getting it cut.

So that's what I did.  My stylist squeezed me in before I had a chance to change my mind (not like I was going to, but I am very indecisive and she knows this) and rest is history.

Sunday I was taking a break from school duties and it hit me.  I had a fear of short hair on myself.  I never would have willingly cut my hair short before.  I've been curious about how I would look for a while now, but I never really built up the nerve to actually do it.  2013 is all about me conquering this thing called fear, so that's pretty much what this sudden cut boiled down to. 

Anyway, I can't twist my hair so I've been rocking my 'fro as is.  It may be a little more than I bargained for, but I'm perfectly happy with starting my new TWA journey.  I don't regret I doing it at all and who knows, I might go even shorter or keep it short for a good long while.

Stay tuned!!

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