Friday, February 18, 2011


This little brush is all the rave amongst us Naturalites, especially us Type 4s. I've read and watched all the reviews which piqued my curiosity, so I decided hey for $10 I might as well try and it out. And let's just say I was very impressed.

Y'all know I heart my Denman, but the Tangle Teezer is definitely giving it a run for the money. I was so excited, I pushed my wash day up just so I could use it. Just about all the things I've read/heard about it ring true ie. less detangling time, less hair in the brush, so you KNOW that's a bonus. I've only used it once, but it's definitely a keeper, shoot anything that'll cut my detangling time is a keeper. One down fall is it kept slipping out of my hand *OPERATORERROR* lolololol

But I want to hear from y'all, DO WE LOVE THE TANGLE TEEZER?

P.S. If you're looking for one, just about all the Sally's in Cleveland are out. But you can call the Sally's in the Steelyard on Monday to reserve yours, that's when they get their shipment in ;)


MagnificentReign said...

Told ya! lol, I was still skeptical when I bought it because I felt that it just looked like a larger, ergonomic shampoo brush. But I have never detangled my hair so fast. I usually pop in a movie to entertain me while I'm going through the process because it takes so long lol. I can't wait to try it again after I leave my hair out for the week because I'm trying a new line of products called Free Your Mane to review for YT. But after my first time using the TT, I'm a happy customer. Just hope it can make a repeat performance!

Lady D said...

LOLOLOL @ the larger poo brush, I swear I thought the same thing! I can't wait to use it again either, I'm gonna time myself to see how long it takes.