Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I know, I've been partial...I sometimes forget that Naturalites and Transitioners alike do not all have Dry hair. Some people really struggle with oily hair. Here's to you guys!

A common mistake people assume is that oily hair = oily scalp. Well actually, it's the opposite. Dry scalp most times produce more oil on the scalp and then the oil plants itself on the hair as it grows. Vinegar and Lemons I've read are the best ways to combat oily hair. They act as an astrigent to soak up that excess oil.

Here's an Vinegar Hair Tonic, use this post Poo:

1 Tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tablespoon of Lemon Juice
1 Cup of COLD water

If this is you, tell us if you tried and like these recipes. I'm super curious about it.

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