Friday, January 7, 2011


I'm trying to figure out when my anniversary is. At what point are you considered Natural? Is it from your last perm or when you've completely chopped the last of your relaxer off?

I love this pic BTW, it's so fitting S/O to A Natural Hair Groove...ok, so I consider you to be a Naturalite when you've COMPLETELY chopped off what was left of your relaxer, unless of course you BC'd then it'd start that day.

The transition period, I don't consider b/c you still have relaxed hair. My Transition period lasted about 14 months. I chopped in between, but my hair was growing so fast it only took at most 4 chops (and because she was chopping hella inches at a time, lolol).

So in my world, you're Transitioner until you've done your last BC, then you're a full fledge Naturalite **OW OW**

Hope this helps you guys in determining your Natur-versary!!

HAPPY NATUR-VERSARY to anyone who became a Naturalite this quarter!! Keep it goin!!


LNW said...

What about if you've added color? Are you still considered a "Naturalite" then? I recently added got highlights (which BTW I love!), and someone made the comment that I was no longer natural. The comment however, did not bother me, as I am not too hung up on the word "natural". Thoughts?

Lady D said...

Color is fine (my Personal Opinion). Color is an enhancement, it doesn't change the texture of your hair. And some Naturalites use Henna to color their hair.