Monday, January 10, 2011


BREAKING NEWS: I have a job interview in my future career field!! I'm so excited I can't contain myself. That was until the guy at the post office pissed me off by not selling me 1 freaking single stamp at 4:31pm b/c they closed at 4:30 *BREATHE* Anyhow, I was discussing the deets with my mom and she further pissed me off by saying "I hope you straighten your hair, it was so cute." (Referring to my hair here) I was OUTRAGED. I was like "Um, I'm not doing that. They see me everyday, so why would I change my hair for an interview?" She says, "Well you don't want that to be the reason you don't get the job do you?" And I said "Well my hair has nothing to do with my capabilities and if it does then I need evaluate whether or not I want to work there." With that being said, I graciously got off the phone.

Now, my mother is....very traditional when it comes to hair. So I guess I should've seen it coming, but I didn't. I'm not second guessing my decision NOT to straighten my hair, but I know other Naturalites who faced this very same issue.

So what say you good people...Would you straighten your hair for a potential dream job interview?


Miss G Chic said...

I say have a fresh do. That is all that is necessary. No need to fake the funk like you will be straight everyday. Plus we all know the tatoes love the natural look. Keep it moving Rouge.

Lady D said...

Most def! I'll be posting some styles so y'all can help me pick one out...any ideas?