Ladies it's almost that time again...WINTER *notready* If you've been here say in the past 12 months, you've seen a true Winter season. We had snow out the wazoo!! BUT just because we are suffering doesn't mean our hair has to suffer.
In the Winter our hair is super fragile, the cold winds, snow, hail, ice, not to mention hats affect our hair. It's a lot drier which means it is MORE prone to damage and breakage.
So here are some tips to get our hair ready prior to Old Man Winter hitting the scene:
** DEEP CONDITIONING IS KEY - Your hair needs moisture!! and especially so in the winter time. Those elements are nothing to play with, so I'd suggest you get your DC on every week. And this includes heat *oyvey* I hate sitting under the dryer as much as the next person, but since I KNOW my hair will need it AND since I've already incorporated it into my routine, it shouldn't be too bad. Get a head start, it'll be easier later.
** FEWER WASHES - I don't know about you, but I cannot afford to get any additional head colds, my sinuses are enough. W&Gs are GREAT in the summer, but in the winter, no sirree. Colder air dries your hair even more and the whole point is to keep your hair moisturized, so instead of a weekly routine, try washing it every 10 days.
** DRY WASH - Speaking of fewer washes, try Dry Washing your hair. What is it you ask? Well it's basically washing your hair without washing it. Use an astringent like the lemon water cleanser.
** HOT OIL TREAMENTS ARE YOUR FRIEND - Have we not noticed a trend here? Coconut Oil, EVOO... oil is ABSOLUTELY wonderful for moisture. They [most] penetrate the hair shaft and provide a protective layer for your hair. Warm it up, put it in your hair, cover with a plastic cap and sit under the dryer. You're good to go!!
** FIND YOURSELF SOME PROTECTIVE STYLES - Protective styling means protecting your hair, concentrating on your ends, so that you don't experience breakage faster than your hair grows. THIS IS A MUST!! Sealing the ends is key to protective styling. I suggest 2 strand or flat twists, buns, or braids.
I hope this helps you prep your hair for the cold months that are coming ahead!!!